Autocad Lineweight Standards Architecture
What are Auto. CAD Layer 0, By. Layer and By. Block Every time you create a new Auto. CAD drawing, you will see a default layer Layer 0. This layer cant be deleted. Then when you define their properties such as color, line weight, etc, you will see By. Layer and By. Block property. Most of you might already know what is By. Layer means. But do you also know the behavior of By. Block properties In a nutshell, here is the explanation. If youre confused, dont worry. We will do an exercise to comprehend these later. Layer 0 is a default Auto. Welcome to the CADTutor forums, probably the most lively and friendly AutoCAD forums on the web. You will need to register in order to post a question and to see all. CAD layer. When you want to create geometry for blocks, this is default layer for it. When you insert Auto. How To Install Nuance Talks In Nokia C5 00. CAD blocks, they will use active layer. Every objects in block that use Layer 0 will use the block layer properties. When you define object properties color, line weight, etc to By. Layer, all of it properties will use the same properties as its defined in the layers properties. When you create geometries in your Auto. CAD block using By. Block, then you can override its properties after the block has been placed. When you create geometries in your Auto. CAD block other than By. Layer or By. Block, then you cant override them after your block has been placed. Confused Lets create some example to comprehend this better. Preparing objects with different properties. Open your Auto. CAD, in a new file create two layers, you can give them any name. Set different color and lineweight so we can easily distinguish them later. Now we will create 4 objects, in this example I use circle. Advertisement this article continues below. A mystery for AutoCAD users what are the differences between ByLayer and ByBlock What Layer 0 is for Heres the answer Dallas Architect Bob Borson shares tips and techniques for creating architectural sketches that look like his drawings. Back. February 19th, 2014 Cleaning Up AutoCAD Drawings. A necessary part of many AutoCAD users day is cleaning up drawing files. Not all users set up their. The bestselling AutoCAD reference, with all new bonus video content. Mastering AutoCAD 2016 and AutoCAD LT 2016 is a complete tutorial and reference, helping you. First circle use layer 0, color By. Layer, line weight By. Layer. Second circle use layer 0, color By. Block, line weight By. Block. Third circle use layer 0, color red, line weight 0. The last one use layer 1, color By. Layer, line weight By. Layer. Create 4 blocks from each of the circle. Changing the blocks layer. Now select all those four, then change their layer to Layer 2. Folder Lock Key Serial. D9B7C509E5F5/image-size/original?v=mpbl-1&px=-1' alt='Autocad Lineweight Standards Architecture' title='Autocad Lineweight Standards Architecture' />You can see block 1 and 2 use the properties, but block 3 and 4 still using its own properties. Now override the color and line weight. Use color green, and line weight 2. You can see that the only block using the overridden properties is block no. Only block no. 2 using the block properties, because we set it the geometry properties to by block. Now freeze Layer. We can see the block no. Unfreeze Layer 1, so we can see block no. Now freeze layer 2. Remember, we have moved all of the blocks to that layer. What happen All of the blocks disappear, including block no. This block also disappear because the block itself using Layer 2. When we freeze Layer 1, the block is actually still showing. But the geometry inside it will be disappeared. This will be clearer if we have another object with different layer in that block. Unfreeze Layer 2, then freeze Layer 0. None of the blocks is disappearRemember that we created geometry in block 1,2, and 3 using Layer. They will ignore it and use the new properties. Highland Games In Deutschland 2010 there. If you want to understand more about this behavior, try to create more objects in your blocks. Set them to different properties. And play some more with their properties. Now that you understand their differences, how do you think they will be useful when you create your blocksAbout Edwin Prakoso. I work as an Application Engineer in Jakarta, Indonesia. Ive been using Auto. CAD since R1. 4 and Revit since Revit Building 9. I occasionally write for AUGIWorld magazine and also active in Autodesk discussion forum. Im certified as Revit Architecture 2. Auto. CAD 2. 01. 4 certified professional. Im also a member of Autodesk Expert Elite, appreciation for individuals who give contribution to Autodesk community. Connect with me on twitter or Linked.