Oracle Jdeveloper Soa Extension

Oracle E Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Developers Guide. Skip Headers. General Guidelines. The Oracle Integration Repository is a centralized repository that contains numerous integration interface endpoints exposed by applications throughout the entire Oracle E Business Suite. The Integration Repository is populated by the parsing of annotated source code files. Source code files are the source of truth for Integration Repository metadata, and it is vitally important that they are annotated in a prescribed and standardized fashion. This section describes what you should know in general about Integration Repository annotations, regardless of the source code file type that you are working with. Annotation Syntax. Annotations are modifiers that contain an annotation type and zero or more member value pairs. Each member value pair associates a value with a different member of the annotation type. The annotation syntax is similar to Javadoc syntax Name. Space Type. Name key. StringName. Space Type. Name free. String Name. Space Type. Name key. String key. String key. StringName. Space Type. Name key. String free. StringName. Space Type. Name inline annotation inline annotationElement Definitions. Name. Space identifies the group of annotations that you are using. AddJavaSourceForJavaSEDefinition.png' alt='Oracle Jdeveloper Soa Extension' title='Oracle Jdeveloper Soa Extension' />Oracle Jdeveloper Soa ExtensionIt is case sensitive. The annotations currently in use are in the rep namespace. Future annotations may be introduced in different namespaces. Type. Name identifies the name of the annotation type. Features. Oracle SQL Developer supports Oracle products and a variety of thirdparty plugins which users may deploy to connect to nonOracle databases. This chapter describes how to configure and test your development environment. It includes the steps for setting up your JDeveloper environment and Oracle Application. Recently, we had the requirement to calculate some values using a Java algorithm within a SOA BPEL component. The defined algorithm took some predefined values into. Oracle JDeveloper and Oracle ADF 11. Tutorials. Important note This page contains tutorials for the older 11. JDeveloper. VirtualBox VM for SOA Suite 12. Oracle Technology Network Includes SOA Suite, Cloud Adapters, Managed File Transfer MFT. The Oracle Integration Repository is a centralized repository that contains numerous integration interface endpoints exposed by applications throughout the entire. Java Cloud Service SaaS Extension Most Recent Articles Forwarding Messages from WebLogic to TIBCO EMS 05022017 ricardo. It is case sensitive. Mgi Photosuite. For consistency across product teams, always use lowercase typenames. String is the first word that follows the annotation. It is a whole string that excludes spaces. String is a string that follows the keystring. FUPSS/img/1213_ua_schemas_avail_comp_sce.png' alt='Oracle Jdeveloper Soa Extension' title='Oracle Jdeveloper Soa Extension' />It may have spaces or inline annotations. It is terminated at the beginning of the next annotation or at the end of the documentation comment. Format Requirement. In your source code file, repository annotations will appear as a Javadoc style block of comments. Use the following general procedure. If you are working in Java and your file already has robust Javadoc comments, then in many cases youll only need to add the appropriate rep tags. Choose which interfaces you will expose to the Integration Repository. Be mindful that you can annotate interfaces as public, private, or internal, as well as active, obsolete, deprecated, or planned. Only interfaces that you annotate as public will appear in the external Integration Repository UI private and internal interfaces will appear in an internal only Oracle UI. Consequently, all interfaces that have previously been documented as public in customer manuals should be defined as public in your source file annotations. Oracle Jdeveloper Soa Extension' title='Oracle Jdeveloper Soa Extension' />Oracle Jdeveloper Soa ExtensionIn your source file, set off the beginning of the annotation block according to the following conditional rule For Java, insert slash star star characters. For non Java files, insert slash star pound characters. Enter a text description. Use complete sentences and standard English. Where applicable, add plain Javadoc tags such as param and return. Next, add rep tags such as rep scope and rep product. Optionally, add a nonpublishable comment using the rep comment annotation. Use for reminders, notes, and so on. The parsers skip this annotation. End the annotation block with a star slash. Refer to the following example. Note that the first line could alternatively be slash star pound if the source file was PLSQL or another non Java technology. This is the first sentence of a description of a sample. This description can span multiple lines. Be careful for public interfaces, where the description is. Integration Repository UI. It should be reviewed for content as well as spelling and. Additionally, the first sentence of. UI will display. the first sentence by itself. Name rep precision lt value rep required. Sample Interface. Annotation Syntax Checker and i. LDT Generator. A syntax checker is available at the following directory IASORACLEHOMEperlbinperl FNDTOPbinirepparser. Details about the checker can be found by using the h flag. Class Level vs. Method Level. For the purpose of classifying annotation requirements, we are using loose definitions of the terms class and method. In the context of interface annotations, PLSQL packages are thought of as classes, and PLSQL functions or procedures are thought of as methods. For some technologies there are different annotation requirements at the class level and the method level. See the Required and Optional annotation lists below for details. Concurrent Program Considerations. In cases where a Concurrent Program CP is implemented with an underlying technology that is also an interface type such as a PLSQL or Java CP there may be some confusion as to what needs to be annotated. Assuming that you intend to have the Concurrent Program exposed by the repository, you should annotate the Concurrent Program. Do not annotate the underlying implementation such as PLSQL file unless you intend to expose it separately from the concurrent program in the repository. The annotation standards for the following integration interfaces are discussed in this chapter Java Annotations. Users will place their annotations in Javadoc comments, immediately before the declaration of the class or method. Required Class level Annotations. Optional Class level Annotations. Required Method level Annotations. Optional Method level Annotations. Annotations for Java Bean Services. Not all Java APIs registered in the Integration Repository can be exposed as REST services. Only Java API parameters that are either serializable Java Beans or simple data types such as String, Int, and so forth can be exposed as Java Bean Services. In addition to existing Java specific annotations, add the following optional annotations in a. Java file to annotate Java APIs as REST services rep category IREPCLASSSUBTYPE JAVABEANSERVICESThis class level annotation marks a Java API as a serviceable interface. It is applicable for. Java files only. For more information, see rep category. HTTP VERBS GET, POST This method level annotation explicitly identifies the HTTP verbs suitable for a method or an operation. For more information, see rep httpverb. This parameter level annotation marks path variables. For more information, see rep paraminfo. Annotations for Application Module Services. Similar to Java Bean Services, a system integration developer needs to add the following optional annotations to annotate Application Module Implementation java class which is a. Application Module Services rep category IREPCLASSSUBTYPE AMSERVICESThis class level annotation marks an Application Module as a serviceable interface. It is applicable for. Java files only. For more information, see rep category. HTTP VERBS GET, POST As mentioned earlier for the Java Bean Services, this method level annotation explicitly identifies the HTTP verbs suitable for a method or an operation. See rep httpverb. Similar to the annotations for Java Bean Services, this parameter level annotation marks path variables. See rep paraminfo.